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We Got the (grid) Power! - Plus, Eran Podcast Interview...

Dear Friends and Family,

It has been yet another epic week of progress here in our small corner of beautiful Benzie county!

It took less than one month for us to raise our first $10,000 towards our Farmraiser. And with this we've taken the big leap into the world of electricity! That's right, we are now officially hooked to the grid!!!

We do envision becoming 'off grid' eventually, but for now (unfortunately) the cost of grid electricity far outweighs the investment into home scale wind and solar. Though we do expect this to be shifting in the coming years. For now the goal is to move in as soon as possible, and begin creating our visions!

Please click HERE to read more about our Farmraiser. Our goal of 300 people donating $220 each is going incredibly well. All we need now is 250 more people. So please, share the word with anyone who may be interested in supporting our vision of creating a sacred homestead and working farm full of abundant food and medicine using ancient and innovative practices that will nourish ourselves and our community. Our land will be home to biodiverse communities of pollinators, wildlife, wildflowers, as well as plants and animals that feed humans. And of course to provide an educational resource to encourage this knowledge to spread and blossom.

We are offering several exciting 'tokens of appreciation' in exchange for your support, including a free consultation in person, over the phone, or via email.

These Sacred Earth Landscaping consultations are typically valued at $150-$200.

In other news, please click HERE to check out the podcast interviewing Eran regarding the creation of Sacred Earth Landscaping, his experience working at Oikos Tree Crops, his vision of the future, and much more!

The interview was done by Traverse City based Levi Meeuwenberg for his Permaculture Realized Podcast Series. Make sure to check out what he's up to after you listen to the interview.

That's about all for now. Enjoy this week's picture, and stay in touch!

Here it is: Our power pole.

We have wires buried from the pole to the house.

The whole family!

AND... of course:

Look how long Lindens legs are already!




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