New Arrival!
Dear friends and family,
We'd like to introduce to you all and to the world a new member of the clan. Please welcome... shining light being of beaty, bundle of cuteness, future farm laborer, groovy little chickadee, our daughter: Linden Galil-Beleza Rhodzell.
At 4am this morning, after many hours of pacing our living room, burping little Linden, I had the realization that I now have in my life the most beautiful sweetest child on the planet, the strongest bravest most loving wife (almost), the most incredible piece of land, the coolest house ever (almost), the most supportive wonderful friends and family, and all in all such a great life!
So what is a few sleepless nights in comparison to all that, right!?
Steph and I feel so lucky to have each and every one of you in our lives. Our gratitude is beyond measure.
Linden was born at 2:50pm on Sunday, November 15 in Arcadia, MI. It was a beautiful sunny day, and one of the quickest deliveries our midwife has ever had. One of these days we will tell you the whole story...
On our next blog post we will also give an update on the house, including a puzzle with a prize... so stay tuned!
For now, enjoy...

About 5 minutes old

About 1 hour old

Good work Mama!

...That wasn't too hard at all!

Don't get the wrong impression... these were a part of the 3 hours of sleep I've gotten in the past 3 days!

This was at around 3:40am this morning...

This was about 5 seconds ago, as I one-handedly write this blog!
Oh, and did we mention Sheeba won't leave her side...!?
Growing so fast... Only 3 days old, but it feels like she's always been here! She really is a pretty groovy little babe.